Purpose Statement:

I am a lifestyle commercial photographer, which means we are creating advertising assets to help generate more business for your company. It is my job to take a three-dimensional world and interpret it into a two-dimensional page so that it makes sense and tells a cohesive story about who you are as a designer. I vehemently want the images I create to be as useful as possible to my clients. I understand the importance of quality content creation and I don't want just to be noise on the internet. I spend my time freelancing with advertising/ marketing agencies, client direct, as well as with 5280 Home, Colorado Homes & Lifestyles, House Beautiful, Denver Life, Real Simple, and other local and national publications. I am constantly trying to evolve my aesthetic and be a better more efficient and effective photographer.

Center Image: ©BeBoulderPhoto

What People Are Saying

”Susie made my first photoshoot an amazing experience. Her passion is beautiful to be around :-) and I cannot thank her enough for sharing my project with 5280 Home.”

— Renee Bergstrom, Interior Designer

“I had to thank Susie for being so great to work with, everyone was great who worked on this project! I was a little sad they weren't coming back. The whole crew was so fun.”

— Francis, Homeowner

Please drop me a line, I love to collaborate.